Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday Turntable 3.17.09

St. Patrick's Day Turntable!

Look, it's even green!

Really, not a lot to say about these songs, other than they are all Celtic Punk and should help you have a crazy fun day!

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday Turntable 3.10.09

This weeks our theme is Scream at the Top of Your Lungs, or, more specifically, should it apply to you, Finals week. Yes, that dreaded five days of doom that has kept me from writing any of the concert reviews I have heretofore promised. Soon, Soon!

Really, these songs' purpose in life is pretty simple - dance and scream the lyrics as loud as present company would allow until all those little stress-demons have been exorcised by the power of great music.

First we have "I'll Believe in Anything," in my opinion Wolf Parade's best. The most fun thing about this song is singing it adopting the odd singing accent of lead singer Dan Boeckner. It's harsh yet invigorating rhythm is another great draw.

Up to bat now is "Colossal" by Wolfmother. (very wolfy Turntable. What big ears you have, Wax Cylinders!) I think this song was more deserving of the acclaim Wolfmother received for "Mother," but perhaps this tracks' outstandingly obvious desire to be a Led Zeppelin song turned off some of the critics. In any case, the lyrics of this song make you feel like a very mystical and very RAWK gypsy, and I'm sure Wolfmother would have it no other way.

"Without MSG I am Nothing" by low-fliers McLusky has been one of my favorite songs for a few years now, because I can't find anything more hilarious and fun, lyric wise, and the 'goo'-yelping that is part of the verses is totally addicting. I have always been meaning to find more McLusky thanks to this song, but I harbor the suspicion that it must be hard to top.

"Blue Orchid" by The White Stripes. I'm hardly introducing anyone to anything new here, but I don't think I'll really be hearing any complaints. The video of this song is the best indication of its character. It has Jack White as the head of a house of freaky marionettes, including Meg White, robotically banging on the floor with giant spoons. A highly recommended YouTube experience.

To bring us down from the '11' we've been cranked up to without losing this Turntable's energy comes "Heavy Metal" from Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!'s debut album. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! always sounds like they are enjoying themselves like crazy, especially on songs like this that engage every auditory nerve.

To listen to this Turntable without having to stay on Wax Cylinders, click the Pop-Out Player button below the playlist. If your pop-up blocker is reluctant to allow this, try holding the control key when you hit Pop-Out Player.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday Turntable 3.3.09

Jamba, Listeners!

This week's Tuesday Turntable revolves around (haha, punny) covers!
When a band loves a song so much, they feel like stealing it.
But that's not how it goes at all, right? These 5 songs are some of my favorite covers I've come across, because they make the songs their own without losing what made the song great in the first place.

First is my favorite from the list, "Float On" by Goldspot. This was featured in the last The O.C. mix CD, which was, oddly enough, devoted to covers. As always, The O.C. finds us a gem you wouldn't expect from a show about spoiled rich teenagers. 

Next up, something a little more intense - Sia's version of "Paranoid Android," orignially by Radiohead. Not for beginners! She sort of... spaces out with this one. In a good way, I hope you think. 

To get you off of that Sia psych-trip, we have the far more upbeat "Lost in the Supermarket" by Ben Folds. This one was featured in Dreamworks cartoon Over the Hedge, and is upbeat enough for a cartoon without losing The Clash's message.

We follow with The Cranberries' "Zombie" performed by Miser. I lied on this one, Miser really didn't make this song very new or original... but it's a pretty badass anthem nonetheless. And who could hope to top The Cranberries, come on.

Finishing with Ryan Adams' dreamy "Wonderwall," borrowed from Oasis. Beautiful, haunting song, even more addictive than the original. 

To listen to this Turntable without having to stay on Wax Cylinders, click the Pop-Out Player button below the playlist. If your pop-up blocker is reluctant to allow this, try holding the control key when you hit Pop-Out Player.


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